A look at Copenhagen In the spring of 2022, I had an opportunity to spend time in a city I’ve wanted to visit for a long time: Copenhagen. Like some cities in the Netherlands, Copenhagen reimagined itself to increase
What makes a city less noisy?

A look at Copenhagen In the spring of 2022, I had an opportunity to spend time in a city I’ve wanted to visit for a long time: Copenhagen. Like some cities in the Netherlands, Copenhagen reimagined itself to increase
Noise policies when planning urban soundscapes A conversation about intentionality with Dr. Kenya Williams How do you create a sense of place? What’s a sound mark? Why don’t noise ordinances produce meaningful change? These are just some of the topics
Meet the team that collects and analyzes the urban soundscapes of London Imagine if you could go back in time and hear what your neighborhood sounded like almost 100 years ago. Even better, what if you could make new recordings