Best of 2024 – noise in the news

In 2024, the media covered noise as a public-health issue, which is not a new topic, but it’s an unresolved one. We’re also seeing some new, concerning issues. For example, some communities are getting stressed by noise from the plants that power A.I.  Let’s take a look at some of the noise stories from 2024.

January 2024

”Why Are Cities So Noisy? And Can We Do Anything About It?” : A look at strategies to mitigate environmental noise in urban settings that can reduce some health risks associated with noise pollution. Examples: planting trees and vegetation, reducing vehicle speeds, and increasing walkability. STRONG TOWNS

”EU Auditors Warn Cities Unlikely to Meet Tougher Air, Noise Pollution Targets” : The European Court of Auditors issued a report indicating that EU cities are unlikely to meet the upcoming stricter air quality and noise pollution targets, while highlighting the health risks associated with these issues. REUTERS

February 2024

Whales struggle to hear each other. Guess whose fault that is “Baleen whales are physically limited in how low they can go to sing, so they’re often competing with ship noise.” CBC (CANADA)

“Research With a Bang: Science Reveals How Loud Noise Damages Hearing About noise-induced hearing loss. (You might need an account to read this article.) U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT

March 2024

Urban Noise Slows Down the Anti-predator Reaction of Eurasian Magpies: A study found that urban noise pollution affects the anti-predator behavior of Eurasian Magpies, because increased noise levels can delay their response to potential threats. FRONTIERS

“‘The Zone of Interest’ Sound Design Told Another Story” A podcast conversation with sound designer Johnnie Burn about the innovative sound design in the film “The Zone of Interest,” a Holocaust story. From The Atlantic, “Burn collected real sounds from the streets of Europe and repurposed them for a soundscape of cruelty happening just out of view. The effect is to show how humans can indeed keep horrors at an oblique remove, even when they are surrounded by them.” THE ATLANTIC

“Loudspeaker Raj: Suffering noise pollution in silence”:  National Crime Records Bureau data shows that there were 7,378 police cases in India during 2022 relating to noise pollution. “Almost 99 percent of the cases were registered in Rajasthan alone…” THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS

April 2024

“Quiet! Our Loud World is Making Us Sick!” : An analysis of growing noise concerns. This article also features Jamie Banks, the founder and president of Quiet Communities. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

Efficacy of noise control measures at high noise zones from a copper mine in Zambia”:  Workers in copper mines are exposed to dangerously high noise levels (above 85dB). This study measured and identified the mechanical processes that produced the most noise and suggested the possible ways to reduce some of the noise. PAN-AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL

“The Quietest Year: A documentary debuts with a story about the struggles against noise pollution in seemingly idyllic Vermont communities. Soundproofist covered it here.

“The challenge of noise pollution in high-density urban areas: Relationship between 2D/3D urban morphology and noise perception.” :  This study looked at the rate of noise complaints in New York City and the significant influence between selected variables such as building height, high density buildings, and road density. SCIENCE DIRECT 

May 2024

”Noise Pollution: Managing the Challenge of Urban Sounds” – An exploration of urban noise pollution, its sources, and potential strategies for mitigation, emphasizing the impact on residents living near highways and transit routes. EARTH JOURNALISM NETWORK

”A huge health scourge in India? Noise pollution” – About the efforts of some tireless noise activists in different parts of India, including Sumaira Abdulali in Mumbai. Be sure to listen to our Soundproofist podcast interview with Sumaira Abdulali about the scope of her work. NATIONAL OBSERVER (CANADA)


June 2024

“How Traffic Noise Hurts Children’s Brains,”  Transit noise and road noise can impair a child’s ability to focus and it impacts the central nervous system. This article also references the groundbreaking research of Dr. Arline Bronzaft on how subway noise affected learning in a New York City classroom. BBC.COM

“Let’s stop normalizing noise culture in Latin America.” : A look at the noisier aspects of cultural life in Colombia and some possible ways to manage it, after a man was murdered in May for asking his neighbors to turn down the noise at their party. GLOBAL VOICES


July 2024

”A Rapid Approach to Urban Traffic Noise Mapping with a Generative Adversarial Network”:  Researchers used Generative Adversarial Networks (GANS)– a type of machine learning that uses neural networks — to quickly assess urban traffic noise distribution. This could help urban planners mitigate noise pollution. ARXIV

”Nearly £30m spent on Tube noise cuts over five years” How much did the city of London spend trying to reduce noise on the Underground, and what kind of solutions did they pursue? BBC.COM

“How noise pollution from planes, trains and automobiles can harm human health”:  What is the cost of noise pollution? (Originally from Undark Magazine). NPR

August 2024

“Blood pressure levels impacted by chronic occupational noise exposure” “ A new study presented at the ACC Asia 2024 conference found in adult power loom weavers, chronic noise exposure not only increased their blood pressure overall, but also each year of exposure increased their odds of having high blood pressure by 10%.” SCIENCE DAILY

“ After 600 noise complaints in two weeks, a new $90 million amphitheater is facing the music”:  An amphitheater in Colorado Springs creates a noise nuisance for residents over 2 miles away, but the owner is pushing back with his own data. THE DENVER POST

“Why scientists who study noise pollution are calling for more regulation” “Last June, an anti-noise advocacy group, Quiet Communities, sued the Environmental Protection Agency for not doing its job to limit the loud sounds people are exposed to in everyday life.” NPR

September 2024

“Music and dogs top noise complaints”: What were the top noise complaints last year, according to the West Northamptonshire Council? They included music, dogs, and neighbors. However, out of 1,845 complaints, only 15 notices got served. BBC.COM

”Noisy, Hungry Data Centers Are Catching Communities by Surprise” : The rise in A.I. is increasing noise levels and impacting the people that live near over 5,000 data centers. THE NEW YORK TIMES

October 2024

”LaGuardia’s ‘Tennis Climb’ Flight Path Causes Deafening ‘Noise Assault’ in Queens, Residents Say” Queens residents face health challenges due to increased noise pollution from a flight path at LaGuardia Airport. According to the New York Post,“The flight path was created years ago to prevent planes from flying over the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows Park… but was made a permanent path in 2012.” NEW YORK POST

”Paris’s Ring Road Now Has Its Own 50 km/h Evaluation System”: Paris implemented a new speed limit on its ring road to reduce noise and air pollution. This article examines the initial results and public reactions. (You might need a subscription to read the whole article.) LE MONDE.FR

”How Cities Are Fighting Noise Pollution, Which Can Have an ‘Impact on Mood”: A look at some initiatives in French cities to combat noise pollution and its effects on residents’ well-being. (You might need a subscription to read the whole article.) LE MONDE.FR

“Noise-detecting CCTV could be expanded after trial” : After a successful trial run in Norfolk (UK), the local council would like to expand the program, because it reduced “anti-social behavior.” BBC.COM

“New Yorkers Who Live Next to a Stadium Say They Can’t Take It Anymore”: In Forest Hills Gardens in Queens, loud concerts at the Forest Hills Stadium frustrate residents. So they hired Alan Fierstein, an acoustic consultant, to measure the noise. More than 20,000 residents signed a petition against what they say is a public nuisance. Also: Watch the Soundproofist interview with Alan Fierstein about vibration noise on YouTube. THE NEW YORK TIMES

November 2024

”Village farm moving due to noise and access issues”: After noise complaints from neighbors about loud farming equipment, a local farm got permission to relocate farther away from residential homes. This also solved another problem: access to the farm, which had been blocked by parked cars.

December 2024

”Noise Pollution Mitigation and Control in Urban Areas Near Highways”: A study that measured and mapped noise in the cities of Jammu, Poonch, Rajouri, and Nowshera. The researchers identified ways to mitigate noise pollution in urban areas adjacent to highways. For example, using noise barriers. The study emphasizes the importance of making environmental assessments and urban planning to help manage noise. NATURE.COM

“Pub fights noise complaints from neighbour”:  “A pub which has been trading on the banks of the Grand Union Canal since the 1850s is fighting noise complaints from a neighbour.” BBC.COM

“Noise and light pollution: What’s the harm?”: An outline of resources for learning more about the impact of noise and light pollution, and WHO guidelines. THE HOUSE OF LORDS (UK)

Humanity’s noise is the natural world’s enemy,” a review of a book titled “Natural History of Silence,” by eco-acoustics researcher Jérôme Sueur.

Best of 2024 – media stories about noise
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